About Us

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Anaheim, California, United States
We both grew up in La Habra and attended La Habra High School. We first met in 1976 during Scotscapades. We reacquainted at Sing-Along with Mr. D, the annual LHHS music department reunion. We've waited our entire lives for our paths to cross again, even though we didn't know it. Sometimes life just works out that way.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

There are LOTS of sinewy people in town...

When we come to New York, we have a habit of staying in Newark by the airport. That way, we take the hotel shuttle to EWR, take the AirTrain to NJ Transit and then on to NY Penn. It doesn't take that long and it save major bucks over staying in the city.

On Saturday, our first day here--we must confess. We're old and we slept in. Yes, we preferred snoozing in a Wyndham next to the Newark airport over going to New York City. 

It's NY Marathon weekend, a fact we were not aware of when we booked the trip. As if to reprimand us for our sloth, we are in the company of a myriad of ridiculously in-shape people and their families and friends all wearing various hand-made shirts supporting their runner with signs rolled up under their arms.

We still made it to TKTS in time to score the 8pm The Glass Menagerie. LOTS of availability on TKTS. Orlando Bloom doing Shakespeare is no match for Daniel Craig and Rachel Weisz in Pinter, which just opened and is sold out.

By the way, I'm blogging from the NBC cafe overlooking Rockefeller Plaza. Very nice.

We're getting up now and walking over to the Cort for Sirs Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellan in Waiting for Godot. We shall cross the street so as not to pass too close to the Fox News studio. Top news on the ticker--an alligator was found under an escalator at O'Hare. Oh, and Healthcare.gov is down for maintainance. More signs of the debacle that is universal health care! The site will be down until...9am tomorrow.

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